Top 10 Smallest Things In The World - Page 2

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Smallest Aquarium 
Smallest Aquarium

       World's littlest aquarium which holds only two teaspoons of water, or, in other words glass and measures only 30 mm wide by 24 mm high and 14 mm profound.

Smallest Baby - Emilia Grabarczyk
Emilia Grabarczyk

       Emilia Grabarczyk is the world's littlest surviving child conceived weight just 227 grams. she was destined to father, Lukas 34 and Sabine 30. Sabine brought forth Emilia at the Maria Hospital in Witten, Germany.

Smallest Teapot
Smallest Teapot

       World's littlest tea kettle, made by the 73-year-old Chinese ace potter Wu Ruishen. The little bit of craftsmanship weighs just 1.4 grams.

Smallest Woman - Jyoti Kisange Amge
Jyoti Kisange Amge

       Jyoti Kisange Amge was born on 16 December 1993 is an Indian lady outstanding for being the world's littlest lady as per Guinness World Records. Tallness 63 cm.

Smallest Work of Art
Smallest Work of Art
        Willard Wigan is an English stone worker from Ashmore Park Estate, Wednesfield, England, who makes minuscule workmanship. His models are normally set in the opening of a needle or on the leader of a stick. A solitary model can be as little as 0.005 mm(0.0002 in).

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