Top 10 Most Richest Countries In The World - Page 2

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5. Kuwait

        A large number individuals may not think about Kuwait as a rich country, yet rather oil implies around half of their GDP and 95 percent of their wage from conveying. They are the fifth most indulgent country due to their per capita salary of $72,000.

4. Brunei

        You probably won't have thought about Brunei, but instead this rich country is outstanding for their exportation of grungy oil and ordinary gases. They have gotten the fourth most luxurious country on the planet this year in perspective of their $80,000 per capita pay.

3. Singapore

        Singapore has a champion among the most open economies on the planet and increments gigantic proportions of pay from examiners looking for an engaging business air. They are the third most indulgent country on the planet with a for each capita salary of$ 85,000.

2. Luxembourg

       Luxembourg is the epitome of a rich country. The wage is dependent on setting aside extra cash, steel, and the cutting edge territory, or, in other words. Their circumstance as the second most unrestrained country of 2016 is built up by a $94,000 per capita wage.

1. Qatar

        Qatar is known for their oil and consolidated combustible gas, which speaks to around 70 percent of all organization pay and 85 percent of a reasonable wage. They have a for each capita wage of $146,000 making them the most indulgent country on the planet.

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