Top 10 Most Dangerous Airports In The World - page 2

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5. Madeira Airport, Madeira
Madeira Airport, Madeira

        Pilots must experience additional getting ready to touch base at the air terminal.

4. Gibraltar Airport, Gibraltar
Gibraltar Airport, Gibraltar

        It is exhibited to strong cross breezes around the stone and over the Bay of Algeciras, making landings in winter particularly clumsy.

3. Ice Runway at McMurdo Station, Antarctica
Ice Runway at McMurdo Station, Antarctica

        The around 201 tons weight of the plane, including payload and explorers, makes it sink into the ice, however simply an issue of inches.

2. Lukla Airport, Nepal
Lukla Airport, Nepal

        High breezes, cloudy cover, and changing porousness regularly mean flights can be conceded or the air terminal is shut.

1. Courchevel Airport, France
Courchevel Airport, France

        The runway has no instrument approach technique or lighting helps, along these lines making touching base in fog and low fogs hazardous and generally incredible.

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